Order Amending Schedule 1 to the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act: SOR/2023-98

Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 157, Number 12

SOR/2023-98 May 19, 2023


P.C. 2023-449 May 18, 2023

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health, makes the annexed Order Amending Schedule 1 to the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act under subsection 7.1(1)footnote a of the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act footnote b.

Order Amending Schedule 1 to the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act


1 (1) The portion of item 1 of Schedule 1 to the English version of the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act footnote b in column 1 is amended by replacing the reference to “flavouring agents” with a reference to “flavourings”.

(2) The portion of item 1 of Schedule 1 to the Act in column 1 is amended by replacing the reference to “GRAS 24” with a reference to “GRAS 29”.

2 The portion of item 4 of Schedule 1 to the Act in column 1 is replaced by the following:

Column 1


4 Colouring agents, excluding those used to whiten filters, tipping paper or the paper covering rolled tobacco or to imitate a cork pattern on tipping paper
3 The portion of item 4.3 of Schedule 1 to the Act in column 1 is replaced by the following:

Column 1


4.3 Colouring agents, excluding those used to whiten plug wrap paper, filters or tipping paper, to render tipping paper the colour drab brown (Pantone 448), to imitate a cork pattern on tipping paper or to whiten mouthpieces or tips or to render them the colour drab brown (Pantone 448)

4 The portion of items 4.2, 4.4 and 4.5 of Schedule 1 to the Act in column 1 is amended by replacing the reference to “Pantone 448 C” with a reference to “Pantone 448”.

Coming into Force

5 This Order comes into force on August 1, 2023.

N.B. The Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement for this Order appears following SOR/2023-97, Regulations Amending the Tobacco Products Regulations (Plain and Standardized Appearance).